Just a quick post for today! But I'm sharing with you another two-way styling! Granted there is a WHOLE lot of difference between the posts. In fact all I really changed was my bag and shoes. The common factor? The use of cobalt blue!
It is one of my favorite colors. It has a dynamic, enriched energy to it. It was the first idea that came to me with this sweater. It is my pop of color for these looks!
The looks themselves are pretty simple. I love an over-sized sweater! They are wonderful! Just so effortless and chic! This one is from Apricot Lane Boutique. They recently had a grab bag special. That was a little too good to pass up. They were trying to 'de-stash' some of their fall/winter items to make room for spring and summer. So for $40 they would send you four pieces. Now I know some may see it as a risk, but I like a good challenge! And I think I got some great pieces!
This particular look was my first idea and I really enjoyed how the cobalt blue pieces pop perfectly against the pastels of the sweater. I also love how the small, subtle changes in pieces really change the look. It is a perfectly casual look either way. But the heels do give it more of a dressy feel.
Thank you for reading! Hope you all are doing well! Stay safe!
Sweater: Apricot Lane Boutique
Bag: Blue Crossbody - Versona, Gold Circular Bag - Target
Accessories: Necklaces - LOFT, Shades - Hashtag Sunglasses
Shoes: Heels - Target, Sneakers - Walmart