So this is not as much a fun post as it is a much more real post about this past week for me. Fashion wise, what I will say is that I came across this look on accident. I was trying to style this look and then suddenly I remembered my little dog was outside so I threw the sweater on -backwards- and went to let him in. I got to looking and actually liked the way it looked. You wouldn't necessarily know it was backwards! Plus the back detailing is kind of cool as well!
On a more not so fun note. You guys. I have been struggling this week. Thursday in particular is when it started. My anxiety came to an all new point. I could not bring myself to drive home from work. I just kept getting waves of panic each time I tried. I literally cannot explain it! I have never had felt THIS level of anxiety before. My Aunt ended up coming to get me! And since then its been such a weird and frustrating feeling of how I will get home. More stress knowing I'm putting people out and trying to figure out how to go forward from here.
I am so grateful for my family and friends that have helped me out, followed me to work and followed me home just to ease my mind, it sounds stupid but it meant more to me than you'll know.
I had a doctor appointment today and told her about everything. She prescribed me a medication that should help with my anxiety. So that is good!
But anxiety and mental health is no joke. It is something that needs to be talked about more! It is something many people struggle with and it comes in all different forms. For me -for whatever reason- driving has been it the last few days. It is slowly getting better but bear with me as I go forward.
Thanks for reading!