You may have heard a lot of B U Z Z lately about The Honey Comb Experience! And I'm here to share it with you! Last Friday, Friday the 13th ironically, was one of the better days I've had! After a day of work, I went home and prepared for the first big event hosted by The Honey Comb Experience.
So what is The Honey Comb Experience?
In the words of the creator, Reasons, "Its an exclusive club, exclusive people, exclusive things to impact the community."
I'm here to share my experience Friday night. It was all kinds of amazing! I met so many people! There were 10 vendors and 5 painters. The energy in the room was infectious -in a good way! Everyone was pumped and ready to indulged in conversation and at times dancing around and really enjoying the evening. At one point Rob invited certain people up to speak about their businesses. I ended up being one of those people.
I did not know this ahead of time.
That may have actually been a good thing though. I spoke from my heart. And while it may have not been perfect, it was honest, and people seemed to feel that. I also was so honored to have that moment from Rob. It is one of those moments where you just feel appreciated and like 'hey you've got something good going here!'
I've worked so long and so hard on my blog over the years and he noticed! That is a remarkable feeling!
That is what The Honey Comb Experience is all about! Building up one another. Giving people a chance to network and grow. It is about inspiring each other. It is such a wonderful thing to be a part of! Rob, you're absolutely wonderful! I'm so grateful to be a part of this! Thank you for this opportunity!