Today is another dressed down post, but the main star of this show are my Shein sandals! I felt like it is finally time to break out some of my favorite sandals.
You guys already know I love print and color and these sandals deliver both. One strap zebra print and one strap neon yellow. They are very comfortable and they are slide on, so you won't have to worry about blisters on the back of your heel. Since I just mentioned it, does anyone else have issues with blisters on their heels with new shoes? Heels, sneakers, sandals -whatever type shoe- when they are new and you are breaking them in do you have issues with blisters at first?
I often do! Well, with sandals not as much. But sneakers and heels yes. Actually one of my -now- favorite pair of heels (the nude heels, you've seen them many times before) actually killed my feet at first! I first wore them to a graduating I was in and I was limping by the time it was all over. I didn't think I would ever wear them again and then I tried them again one day and.... they fit perfectly!? What the heck? Now I wear them with ease, no issues ever (knock on wood!) So I guess I just broke them in that night? Idk. This is a bit of a tangent, but if you have any ideas to help with breaking shoes in without pain or blisters, I would love to hear them!
On to the look. I kept it simple. I've kind of been into the more simple look lately. A lot of it is because it is easier on my feet. They've been killing with the longer hours I've been working lately. (I'm thinking of getting a pedicure just for the foot massage, alone, I feel like it would feel SO amazing!) But also it is easier to shoot in different places. My heels sink into the ground a lot, so that is why you see pictures in the same place. Although I did do a shoot with my friend Terrence, which I'll be posting next! So stay tuned!
But these cargo pants have certainly paid themselves off! I got them I think at least a year ago and I have loved them ever since! They are casual but they can be dressed up as well. Today I dressed them down with a graphic tee and paired with the sandals its an effortless look and very comfortable. Easy to wear for lunches or errands or day dates!
Thanks for reading! I hope you have a great weekend!
Tee: Vestique Boutique
Pants: Target
Watch: Anne Klein
Bag: Target
Shades: Hashtag Sunglasses