I hope you all had a great weekend! Mine was pretty good. I was able to relax and get some stuff done as well. Win, win!
Today's look -the continuation of the red mules- was not planned. Granted, I love these shoes, but I did not even think about having used in them in the last post, when I began planning this post. Actually, it got really chilly here in the QC over the weekend. Cold and rainy, which threw a wrench into my original post idea.
Sunday morning, I just wanted to be warm and comfortable. So I pulled this look together. Every piece is a repeat -with of course the jacket and the shoes being the most recent. It started with a little mixing and matching and I really liked the leopard print against the dark jacket. But, it just felt a little too dark so I threw the shoes in to add a bright pop of color. It was kind of on a whim, but I really loved the way it turned out!
It turned out to be really comfortable, warm, AND stylish!
Thanks for reading! Have a great week!
Jacket:: Target
Top:: LOFT
Jeans:: Target
Shoes:: Charles David (Off Broadway Shoes)
Accessories:: LOFT (necklace) Newchic.com (Bag)