I felt the need to ditch the beret, it did not seem to be my best look. Its okay, live and learn right?
But I'm back now and better for it. Today I decided to go for a black and white color pallet. But I wanted to mix things up a bit. For this post I mixed patterns.
This -for me- is one of those power outfits I have talked about. I feel amazing and unstoppable in this ensemble. I love the way the pattern in the tweed meshes with the striped skirt. The design of the jacket also gives the ensemble a little more shape.
For me, this is an example of how fashion is so fun and amazing. I tried this on with my hopes not very high and ended up loving the result. Even with out the jacket -which I included pictures of- I feel unstoppable, powerful, and feminine.
Do any of you guys have power outfits? I know you do! I know there are ensembles you are tempted try but have some reservations. I challenge you to wear them! Submit them if you want! I would love to see them. But ultimately go with your gut. If you like it when you put it on go with it. See what happens!
Be brave! :) And good luck! And cheers to those of you who do it!
Thanks for reading, as always! :)