I am starting this week off with a comfortable, edgy look! I do not know why, but I am feeling really bad ass lately and I felt like reflecting that attitude in my styling.
The tee shirt is from Target from their Black History Month collection. It is their 9th annual Black History Month collection which is designed by Black founders/creators. The shirt itself celebrates black women's hair. Which, as I found out later, is a centerpiece in black culture. More specifically it is symbol of identity and creative expression. But it goes even more in depth than that. In ancient African civilizations hair symbolized someone's social status, spirituality, family background, and marital status. It is so fascinating, I may have to devote a whole post to it in the future!

For today's look, I used the tee shirt as the focal point to style around and honestly, the addition of the black pieces adds such edge!
I also added a new bag to my collection!
This small, ruched shoulder bag!
I picked up this beauty at the grand opening of Vestique boutique in Fort Mill a few weeks ago.
It is such a beautiful bag! Small but mighty! It is great for a date night or a girls night out!
I've already been having a great time styling it!

My shooting location for today's spot was a fun one also! And it happened by chance! I was meeting up with a friend earlier this week and stumbled across this and right away knew I wanted to come back to shoot!
The columns combined with the brick side walk are so picturesque, it is like walking around in your own little town!
Thank you so much for reading!
I hope you have a wonderful week ahead and I see you on Wednesday!