I hope you are all doing well!
I am getting so excited you guys! Next week is a big week! Wednesday is my birthday and then Thursday we head off to Seattle for the weekend! I am so excited! I cannot wait to get some great pictures and content to share with you!
Two things that have been kind of having me feeling overwhelmed though, is packing and the flight.
You guys, I have not traveled in a while! And when even when I was younger, I was still not great at packing. I think I know what I am going to pack as far as outfits, but its when it comes to accessories, bags, and shoes that I'm having troubles. Also, I am wondering if and how I can fit my tripod and camera into my bag in case I have to get pictures in on my own. (I'm hoping my family will help me BUT I want to be prepared if they do not want to).
And the flight! Guys, I have not flown since.... 2006? I'm a bit nervous! Not just about the flight but about all the stuff that goes along with it like getting there early, finding my luggage, getting it through customs... etc.
Do you guys have any tips or tricks for packing and/or flying? I'll take whatever I can get! (Well, except of course no alcohol! Lol).
On to today's look!
It is a really casual look, which I love because it is a ready-to-go look that does not require much fuss or thought to be honest.
Some days, I just want to throw something on and go. I do not really want to have to think about what to wear, how to style it, worry whether it is too dressy (or if I need to shave my legs! xD)
That is why this look is great! It is simple and effortless but stylish all the same!
I wore it when I went to The Local Scoop to get some content for the post I wrote on them. And ice cream of course! =D
No particular reason, I just felt like trying it out. I think it looks really cute with the hat!
Funny story! While I was taking pictures for this look. I was in an area that was not overly populated, so I wouldn't be in people's way. So I set my camera timer on for 10 secs and went to get in place, and as I was a car was coming around the curve and slowed down. I figured it was someone asking what I was doing, or going to possibly ask me to leave (hey, its happened before!) but no! It was my mama!
She was leaving the gym, which was in the same shopping center, saw me and stopped to say hello!
Of course, the camera ended up capturing the moment! It was a cute moment, so I included the picture! =D
Thanks so much for reading! Have a great weekend! And I will see you guys next week for some fun posts!
Stay safe!