Welcome back my friends! Today I have a fun post to share with you. I have been excited to share it with you since I went to it last Thursday!
The Charlotte International Art Festival!
It was a two-week festival which featured curated visual and immersive experiences from local artists to artists around the world!
Uptown Charlotte and Ballatyne were taken over by art installations, luminariums, and live performances. There was something for everyone. Even Hurricane Ian could not stop the festivities -though he did alter them a bit.
I had been hearing about it and I finally had to go see it for myself. The main attraction for me was an installation called 'Man,' by Amanda Parer. Presented by Blumenthal Performing Arts, Man is a contemporized version of another piece from 1880 called 'Thinker,' by Auguste Rodin. I read about it before I actually walked up to it, and Rodin's version is actually more positive than Parer's. While Rodin's 'Thinker' represents man's pursuit of philosophy, Parer's 'Man' the man is holding his head in search of answers, or "in search, perhaps, of what went wrong."
Interestingly, all of the light and color is created from natural light, shining through individual cut and colored plastic.
I added some pictures down below to hopefully give you a better idea of what it was like inside!
And finally, throughout the park there were enormous balloon-like pieces stationed with people's faces on them. Most of them were making some kind of funny face. It was a delight to watch people taking pictures beside of them and trying to recreate the facial expressions! I even found myself doing it a time or too! xD I have no idea who the people on the balloon pieces are, I can only assume that they somehow affiliated with Charlotte International Art Festival or perhaps involved in the creation of all of the displays! Either way they were very much enjoyed!
It was a picture-perfect afternoon and I had such a great time! I am so glad I made it! My only regret is that I did not make it back later on in the evening to see everything lit up! I also did not get to see the Lapis performance! I saw them online and really wished I could have seen them live. Maybe next year?!
I'm already looking forward to it! ;)