After spending Christmas in shorts, It is finally starting to feel like winter here in the QC! Thank God too! I got this AMAZING Loft leopard print peacoat for Christmas (thanks Mom and Dad!) and I was just itching to wear it!
I LOVE the colors of this outfit and the coat especially. It is so classic looking, it is warm, and it has a great fit! I really like how the beige sweater and the lace stand out against the darker hues of the coat and jeans.
I wanted to talk about resolutions for a moment. I love and hate New Years. Its a fun night, its a new start where we all resolve to become better versions of ourselves, which is a good thing! However, for me, I start out with strong ambition. I want to eat healthier, pay off bills, work out more, become more organized... you know how it goes. But I eventually overwhelm myself to the point where I have no idea how to even get started. SO, this year I have decided that instead of making resolutions in January for the whole year, I will make several small, specific, and achievable resolutions each month. That way hopefully I will be able to see progress.
Some of my resolutions for January: eat healthier (incorporating more/different fruits and veggies and drink more water), work out more regularly. I want to get a new camera (maybe) that is a little better and can take videos as well. Also, of course, I want to get more organized! ;)
What are some of your resolutions? For the month or for the year? I'd love to hear them!
Thanks for reading!