I apologize for the late post, but I wanted to post quickly tonight.
I LOVE this look so much! It is so whimsical and lovely. The colors all blend together so beautifully. I love how the different shades of blue all blend together!
I have always loved this skirt from Grace Boutique. I've had it for quite a while now and I just love it! It never fails to make me feel so special and queen like.
This look in general made me feel refreshed. Its coming up on a year ago that everything here in Charlotte shut down. Right before St. Patrick's Day. It was a scary time then. I remember I was very nervous but always trying to put on a brave face. Some days were easier than others. But now a year later, I feel so much more calm. I feel like things are under more control now. My friends and I appreciate each other so much more. It just feels like such a deep breath has been relieved. That is kind of what this look represents to me.
We still have a bit to go but we have come SO far! But this look to me had a new dawn kind of look. A new start kind of a feel. A new hope even. I never really lost that hope but it grew weary at times. It still does at times. It is never gone though. It is always there.
Thank you guys for reading. Stay tuned!