I know Mondays aren't most people's favorite day of the week, yet I believe in celebrating every day! Each day is a new start. A clean slate. The opportunity to start over. But this particular Monday (the Monday after Easter) is particularly special. We just celebrated the ultimate clean slate that was freely given to us yesterday -Easter Sunday. I think that is why Easter is exciting to me. It reminds me of God's love for us all. It reminds me to treat others kindly because He also knows the numbers of hairs on their head and He created them as well and loves them just as much as He loves me. It reminds me that even though I am so very far from perfect, I have not been given up on and each day is a new chance to change, become better, work harder, and take more chances.
Which brings me to today's post. It is all about taking chances. For starters I opted for a white ensemble. That in itself is an enormous risk. It seems as though white clothing is a magnet for pollen, soot, mud, food stains, you name it, white attracts it. But I went for it anyway! I paired it with a printed scarf, collar necklace, and navy blue heels. There is something so remarkable about this outfit. I love it! And it came to me with such ease! For me, fashion is a form of self expression. An outlet for my creative side. It gives me courage! I hope it does for you as well!
I know I mentioned the giveaway would happen today, however, I have had some issues technology wise in getting it up and running -grr. Bear with me! It will happen! I just have to learn how to work technology.... =X
Thank you so much for being on this journey with me! I love you all so very much!