So today, I created a look that is my go-to when I am short on time/in a rush.... as I was with this post lol. I spent Tuesday with my Aunt helping her with her move and grabbing some lunch -it was a great day. But I still needed blog pictures! And I wasn't crazy about the look I had planned on -which was basically this but with a sweater vest over top.
Then I decided this look -without the sweater vest- would be perfect! It looks good, its effortless, and best of all it is perfect when you are in a crunch! I love the contrast between the crisp, white button down and the distressed jeans. And the bag is what really pulls it together in my opinion. It is casual but also structured. It is mostly light colored but the black on the sides really help it pop!
What do you think? What are your go-to looks!? Tell me all about it!
Thanks for reading! Have a great weekend!
Jeans: Old Navy
Boots: New York and Company